Below you will find several recommendations for tourism activities in Colombia. These touristic plans are offered by our external partners and are not part of our A Meaningful Life retreats. Please contact our partners directly for any additional inquiries or to book your spots.
Enjoy Colombia!
Recommended hotels in Bogotá:
5* Sofitel Victoria Regia o Four Seasons Bogotá / Four Seasons Casa Medina or Casa Legado / Grand Hyatt / 93 Luxury Suites
4* Bioxury / Artisan by Marriot / Courtyard by Marriot / Novotel Parque 93 or NH Royal Pavillon
3* B3 Virrey / Mika Suites / BH Parque 93
Before AML Retreats
Recommended touristic attractions in Bogotá
An amazing trip through the wonders of one of Colombia’s main appeals apart from coffee and flowers: FRUITS! The Tour de la Fruta invites you to discover amazing tastes and colorful scenes deep in Bogotá’s main fruit market in Paloquemao. María José and her team will take you on a tour to explore the Colombian Capital City, but also the social connection between everyone involved in the daily business of producing, buying and selling fruits! Visit their website at:
MaJo, founder of Tour de la Fruta and 321 Colombia Tours
After AML Retreats
TopSouthExperience - Fredrik Lennartsson Founder & Chief Traveler - Diana Cortes Chief Organizer
TopSouthExperience is a family company where everybody loves Colombia and is eager to get more people to experience this extremely beautiful, diverse, and interesting country. We arrange our own tours and also work as accompanying tour guides for other travel agencies. We are based in Bogotá, Colombia. Our staff has a mixture of backgrounds and cultures which we think makes us perfect for organizing and guiding an authentic and personal experience in Colombia.
For a detailed description of our tourism packages available before or after the AML retreats see our TSE Package PDF (valid for 2019 only).
More about TopSouthExperience at